About Us

Our Mission
General Information
Our Story
In March of 1993 a group of Morro Bay residents met and formed the Historical Society of Morro Bay. Their goal was to preserve the history and stories of our town. Wayne Bickford was president for the 1st year and then Kathryn Limon lead the Society until 1998. They met quarterly and presented programs of interest, with interviews of local residents from Morro Bay. They also published a newsletter called “Rock a Rama”. In July of 1998 they were forced to take a hiatus as most of the leaders had moved out of the area.
In 2002 , Gary Ream, a member of the City Planning Commission, held a meeting with people that were interested in once again having a Historical Society. About 35 people showed up for the meeting and a slate of officers was formed. The new officers were: Gary Ream, president, Nancy Castle, Vice-president, Ginny Babka, secretary, Mary Lou Marshall Treasure and Paul Tweed members at large. Within two years the Society had applied for and received a c502 non-profit status. Again, the leaders planned quarterly meetings and had many very interesting interviews with long time members of the City. All of the meetings were put on videotape by Nancy Castle and her firm, AGP, so that we would have the individuals and their stories recorded for future generations.
Some of the activities provided for the City by the HSMB are:
- installed an information panel in Cloisters Park showing the history of that area
- organized the annual “Celebrate Morro Bay Parade” (until 2011)
- donated over $5,000 to various non-profit groups in Morro Bay
- organized and printed a self guided walking tour map of Morro Bay Blvd. and surrounding streets
- provided an information booth at the Harbor Festival for several years.
- published two table top books prepared for the HSMB. The first, “Images of America Morro Bay” written by Roger Castle and Gary Ream the second “Morro Bay Then and Now” by the same two authors with pictures by Garry Johnson. These books can be purchased from the HSMB.
We have several new and exciting things planned for the people of Morro Bay.
- We are working on a Historical Preservation ordinance.
- We have built a new website and are beginning to enter content into it.
- Our first Hidden History panel was installed on the bayside of the Hofbrau Haus, depicting the history of the WWII era wooden trestle bridge.
- We continue to hold membership meetings every quarter with fun and informative presentations.
Former Society Presidents
Here are the names of the Society presidents and the years they served: Wayne Bickford (’93-’94), Kathryn Limon (‘94-’98), Gary Ream (2002-’07), Roger Castle (’07-’12), Jennie Brantlee (’12-’13), Nancy Castle (’13-’14) and Linda Estes ('14-'17).