Remembering 1964 in Morro Bay - 60th Anniversary
You ‘celebrate’ an anniversary, and the City of Morro Bay will have some events about the 60 the anniversary of its incorporation in early September. We’ll have more news for you about those in emails and Facebook posts. But we are also historians, so another thing we do with anniversaries is remember what things were like in that first day, the time near the founding date we celebrate.
You can help a lot. Dig those old photos, postcards, letters, newspapers—whatever—your family has out of the attic and share the ones that seem to capture something about Morro Bay in the mid-1960s. Let us know at either directly or set up a time we can get together with you. We want to get the story right.t.

A Visit from 'Gladys Walton'
Did you miss the recent interview with 'Gladys Walton', star of the silent silver screen? Janice Peters channeled Ms. Walton at HSMB's July 14, 2024 meeting. You can catch up by reading the script by Janice and Joe Ingraffia.
Current Project Highlight: Nadine Richards' Little Red House
Do you know the little red house at the south end of the Embarcadero, near the boat launch at Tidelands Park? From the launch, look east to the bluff, behind the fence.
We need to preserve this unique part of Morro Bay’s history. The current owners need to either move it or demolish it because there isn’t room on the little lot to build the new house they want AND keep Nadine’s. They have offered to give the LRH to the Historical Society, but we need to raise the money to move it to a new foundation. We hope you can help! Contact us
about making a donation for this important project.
Early 1900's
This photo of two men spending their day clam digging in Morro Bay during low tide was taken in the early part of the 1900's. The men are approximately where State Park Road is today below the Natural History Museum. Fishing, clamming and oyster farming are part of our deep aquatic history!
Before Quarried
This is an old photo of Morro Rock taken prior to it being quarried. You can see the southern section clearly had a slope without the dramatic drop that is there today. We are fascinated by the history of our community!